T I M E - S P E E D - D I S T A N C E R A L L Y
presented by

What is Terra Torphy ?
Terra Trophy was created as a motorsports series that caters to the overland enthusiast. Inspired by the iconic Camel Trophy, Terra Trophy combines competition with long distance adventure travel. The event will utilize a time-speed-distance rally format. Unlike other rallies where speed is the main objective, TSD rallies are about matching the target times and speeds between checkpoints. While most other rallies are a single vehicle team, Terra Trophy will require 3-6 vehicle teams that must start and finish together.
Terra Trophy is designed to push teams and rigs to the limits. The routes will include everything from rock gardens, steep climbs, off camber washes and exciting water crossings. Every trail will require drivers full attention to navigate safely and vehicle recovery skills will be needed. Teamwork and strategy will come into play and only teams with the drive to finish will cross the line at the end.

Overview &
Event Overview
On Saturday June 4th 2022, Over 100 rigs will come together to compete as teams in a Time Speed Distance rally format. Unlike most rallies that are about being the fastest, this rally is about matching the provided target times. Using a handful of navigations tools, teams will be required to match the routes and times by Terra Trophy and points will be given for every minute over/under the target times. The rally will tackle some of the most iconic trails within Windrock Park. This rally will include all levels of trails (mostly blue trails) and will push both rigs and drivers to the limits!
All drivers/vehicle will under-go a tech inspection the day prior to the event. All members will be required to meet the requirements as stated below. All vehicles will be checked to confirm they have all team, vehicle, and safety requirements.
Team Requirements
-(3) minimum team members
-(6) maximum team members
-All drivers must have a valid US driver License
-All vehicles must display a Terra Trophy banner and team # (both provided by Terra Trophy)
Safety Requirements
-First aid kit (2 per team)
-Communication system (radio, walkie, etc)
-Efficient water supply for each member
Navigation Tools
Recommended Navigation Tools
-Windrock Park App (iPhone and Android) or Windrock Park Map
-GPS based navigation system for GPX file (GAIA, etc)
Vehicle Requirements
-All vehicles must be street legal with a tag
-Minimum of 32" inch tires (265+)
-Maximum of 40" inch tires
-Full size matching spare
-Tow points front and rear
-Full recovery gear kit (strap, d-rings, tree saver, etc)
-Trash bags / Trasharoo or equivalent
-Rock Sliders and skids plates
-Front and rear bumpers
-diff locker(s)
-Jack / high-lift
-Vehicle spares you many need
-Full tool kit
-Additional fuel

Format & Rules
Terra Trophy will use a TSD rally format for all competitions. Drivers will be sent off as a team in intervals. Teams will be required to follow the correct route as provided and stop at each checkpoint in the correct order before crossing the finish. The team that collects the least amount of penalty points will win.
The route will be given the week prior to the event. The file will be sent via email to all drivers. The file will be a GPX file created using GAIA. You can use this file in any way necessary. With the GPX file, we will also be sending a list of trails. Teams will be required to put together their route based off the GPX file, trail numbers and Windrock Park App.
Leave Time
Leaving time for teams will be selected at random. Prior to the event and after all teams are registered, all teams will be placed in a hat and the list will be created at random.
Rally Start
Each team will be given one (1) rally checkpoint sheet. If you misplace this sheet at any time during the rally, your team will automatically be disqualified. All team members must be present at each checkpoint. When you arrive, you must have your checkpoint rally sheet with you. One (1) driver will be required to exit the vehicle, go to the checkpoint table, and receive a time and stamp from the checkpointer before going to the next checkpoint. The lead truck must be stopped in the coned off "checkpoint box" before coming to the checkpoint table. You may NOT walk past another team to get your time and stamp. All teams will be required to stop at all checkpoints in the correct order. Missing a checkpoint will result in 500 points.
Rally Finish
After your team has completed the correct route and crossed all checkpoints, all teams will be required to cross the finish. You must cross the finish line with the entire team! When crossing the finish, the lead truck will be required to stop in the finish box under the Terra Trophy arch. Here you will receive your final time/stamp for the day.
Terra Trophy Basic Rules
-All vehicles must pass tech inspection
-All drivers must follow all rules on and off road
-Windrock Park is open to all vehicles during the rally. Respect other riders within the park
-All trash must be taken with you. DO NOT LITTER!!!
-All competitors must respect each other. Keep the drama out of the fun!
Windrock Park Basic Rules
-All attendees (driver and passengers) will be required to buy a Windrock Park Pass ($27.33/1 Day or $109.34 annual)
-No alcohol on the trails (they will check everyone)
-No speeding in the campgrounds or paved roads
-All additional rules can be found here: www.windrockpark.com
Passing / Trail Traffic
If a team catches up to another team, you are required to let the faster team by. If moving, the faster team will be required to flash lights and honk their horns. If there is video proof that a pass was not allowed within 5 minutes, the slower team will receive points. If said slower team is stuck on an obstacle, they will have 20 minutes to clear the obstacle. If they are still stuck after 20 minutes and do not let the faster (stopped) team pass, points will be given to the stuck team with video proof.
+1 every minute too fast
+1 every minute too slow
+50 missing/abandoned teammate
+50 Leaving start or checkpoint wrecklessly
+50 Not allowing team to pass
+500 Missing checkpoint (per checkpoint)
DQ - Leaving Trash on trail
DQ - Not following Windrock or Terra Trophy Rules
Additional Notes
-Windrock can be remote in locations. Please be prepared for possible trail repairs deep within the park
-Offroading on trails of this nature can be dangerous. Driver smart and work as a team
-While we do our best to create routes that are safe for street legal vehicles, body damage and potential for roll overs are high. Please be prepared for tight and technical trails
The rally will begin at 9AM EST. Teams will leave in 5minute intervals. When leaving the line, teams will be required to maintain the required 10mph speed limit in the camping area.